Saturday 29 January 2011

this should be interesting

My name is ______ and I’m a roller derby addict.

Or, well, apparently not, which is kind of the problem. The last bout of my league’s season was in November, and I was off skates (and on the couch) from then until last night. Throw in the craziness of the floods, a series of epic Christmas and NYE parties, and a major illness that ate up most of my January, and last night went something like this:

1. Get on skates.

2. Fall on ass at least three times.

3. Give up on derby stance after ten minutes because of insane pain in thighs.

4. Sweat like a pig for the rest of the time.

Admittedly, Step Four may have had something to do with the ridiculous 40C heat we’ve been having lately, but it still doesn’t feel good. Damn you, off season! What is this shit? Where did my ability to stay in a low crouch while getting beaten up for half an hour go?

Our first bout is in April. One way or another, I am gonna be ready. This blog is for progress reports, bitching, and inspiration. We’ll see how this goes.

Right, off to the gym to lift heavy things and run until I puke.

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