Friday 25 February 2011

I was in the CBD this evening. I looked at my phone, it said 5:54, and when I looked up I was in a forest. I don't know where the forest was, at a guess I'd say Canungra because there was a lot of the fucked up malevolent vegetation they get out that way before. There were... Bags. I think you know what I mean.

Looked down at my phone, 5:56. Looked up. Back on the CBD as if I'd never been gone.

But I know I was gone.

I also know that the old man is not here. I cannot see him. Inky cannot see him. He has not shown up in photos or video and believe me we are taking a lot of those.

He is not here.

He is not here.

although if he is here it would explain something about mt current... state of being.

And Ava's still missing. I don't want to tell Inky yet. It'd break his heart. So shhhhh nonexistent audience. Sh.

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