Tuesday 8 February 2011

so many assholes in this place

Ugh, forget the fucking Slender Man, my plate is quite full enough with human assholes. Everywhere I turn today, staggering incompetence and/or douchebaggery. Some dickhead at Centerlink losing my check, some fuckwit on a bike trying to run me over while I'm skating (the look on his face when I chased him down and gave him a piece of my mind was priceless--the moron was so fucking shocked that I could catch up!) and now some asshat trying to tell me my laptop isn't covered by warranty when it clearly is, I know this because I HAVE THE PIECE OF PAPER IN MY HAND.

Positive thoughts for today:
  • My big sister is being completely awesome. Yay, awesomeness!
  • I have a job interview. Yay, employment!
  • There's going to be a derby world cup this year. Yay, derby!
  • I have achieved a truly ridiculous degree of flexibility, especially in my ankles and spine. Yay, ligaments!
  • Training tonight is really going to hurt, but in the good way (I hope.) Yay, masochism!

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